The power of WE! 41 fashion design graduates selected by CFDA+ 2017 (part 2)

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Second episode of the post to know all the 41 young fashion designer selected by CFDA+ platform from the most famous and innovative fashion schools in all the five continents.

As we have seen in the previous post, CFDA+ is a platform launched by the Council of Fashion Designers of America in 2013, to choose the best emerging talents from the most renowned fashion schools. Since this date they’ve spotlighted 245 designers coming from 43 leading schools from 32 countries, reviewing more than 1000 portfolios, making an incredible number of interviews to better select the best graduate collections and understand the opinion and the vision of every single creative.

The results of the interviews of this year is incredibly coherent. Asking their thoughts about the future of fashion was emerged a narrative that has become the theme of this edition. “The power of We” is about unity and hope for a sustainable future in which we can all be connected respecting our diversity. The last innovation in fashion seems to mix a deep culture of our tradition and past with new technologies. 

“Use ethical and local production to create hughly innovative fashion” (Emma Collins, Marist College, Usa)
Let’s keep knowing the young girls and boys of the CFDA+ 2017 edition, the next talents of fashion panorama.


A famous and prestigious fashion school. This is the Kingston College in London, which won many awards and great considerations in the international ranking for its approach focused on a revolutionary point of view on fashion design and business. In fact 5 students were selected by CFDA+:
  • KASUBIKA CHOLA  (BA Hons Fashion Design and Textile), in her graduate collection she reinvented denim fabric with patchwork of upcycled pieces and destructured proportions.
  • KATE CLARK (BA Hons Fashion Design and Textile), her “Childhood delusion” is a dreamy and claustrophobic mix of reality and illusion, that seems made with the eyes of a child that has seen too much but preserves his innocence.
  • LOULOU HICKS  (BA Hons Menswear Fashion Design, Streetwear and Sportswear), uses oversize streetwear silhouettes to emphasize messages that speak about politics, enviroment and culture.
  • REBECCA HOLMES (BA Hons Fashion Design and Knitwear), transforms comfortable and oversize knitwear garments into pieces of art, demonstrating all their artisanal potentiality with 3-dimensional surfaces and different effects.
  • SOPHIE WARD  (BA Hons Fashion Design and Knitwear), focused on sustainable and technological design process, her multisensory graduate collection is a study about the state of consciousness and alteration.

CFDA+ 2017 Kasubika Chola graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Kate Clark graduate collection

CFDA+ 2017 Loulou Hicks graduate collection

CFDA+ 2017 Rebecca Holmes graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Sophie Ward graduate collection


Since 1984 Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore is particularly focused on innovation in every fields of artistic production, especially in fashion design. Creative tailoring techniques and technological methods are the flagships of the school and can be really appreciated through the graduate collection of Jamela Law (BA Hons Fashion Design and Textile), who created unique high-tech surfaces with 3-d printing taking inspiration from the amazing shapes of Nature.

CFDA+ 2017 Jamela Law graduate collection


One of the most ancient and renowned fashion school of the world, the Parsons School of Design was founded in 1896 and relaunched in 1970 with a progressive vision. The mission of the school is to prepare its students to a responsable and creative design method through experimentation and technology. From the fashion courses were selected by CFDA+ three students:

  • KAITLYN FITZGERALD (BA Fashion Design and Childrenswear), expresses the creative personality of pre-teen age girls and giving them a voice through colorful and extravagant clothes focused on comfort and freedom of movements.
  • SIDHARTH CHAWLA (BA Fashion Design, Handbags and Optical), is specialized in accessory design and wants to overcome the restrictions of patriarchal society through a collection that analyses female censorship and art fraud.
  • YRAN DUAN (AAS Fashion Design, Menswear) created a collection inspired by the life in prison seen with a lighthearted point of view, exalting the aesthetics of prisoner’s tattoo.

CFDA+ 2017 Kaitlyn Fitzgerald graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Sidharth Chawla graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Yiran Duan graduate collection


Present in Paris since 1921, the Parsons Paris school offers to its students the method and experience of the American headquarter and the cultural and artistic background of Franch capittal, with a particular focus on sustainability, excellence and creativity. As we can see in the creations by JENNIFER KOH (BFA Womenswear Fashion Design), a minimalist and zero-waste thesis collection that changes the traditional patterns of eveningwear in favor of a more sustainable production.

See Also

CFDA+ 2017 Jennifer Koh graduate collection


The Rhode Island School of Design has an history that goes back in 1877 and it’s the first school of art and design in USA. Principle fields of the school are jewelry, textile and apparel design focused on free creativity matched with the conceptual rigor of design process. Two students were selected for their graduate collections:

  • NOAH PICA (BFA Apparel Design, Menswear) changed the role of traditional menswear transforming the classic male shirt to build for men a new position in the modern society.
  • RACHEL YOO  (BFA Apparel Design, Menswear) reinterpreted the classic pieces of men’s outerwear inspiring by the past and military clothing.

CFDA+ 2017 Noah Pica graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Rachel Yoo graduate collection


Founded as small university in 1850, now the University of Brighton is a great institution that bases its fame on creative emphasis, sustainability, business and partnership with important productive realities. From this school come two students:

  • ALICE WINZAR (BA Hons Fashion Design Womenswear), has redesigned the concept of female elegance basing on the shapes and aesthetics of the everyday objects that surround us at home and the idea of clothing as comfy environment.
  • OLIVIA BRADLEY (BA Hons Fashion Design with Business Studies), create a bold and charming female imagine, inspired by historical reminescences, through a unique tailoring technique and a flashy and extravagant taste.

CFDA+ 2017 Alice Winzar graduate collection
CFDA+ 2017 Olivia Bradley graduate collection

I’ll wait you on next post to know the young designers coming from the last 6 fashion schools selected from CFDA+ 2017.
See you soon!

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