12 winners at ID International Emerging Designer Award 2018

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Creation by Damir Begović
The ID – International Emerging Designer Award 2018 has just finished, bringing 12 interesting emerging designers under the spotlight. Discover the 12 winners among 44 designers selected for one of the most important fashion competition of the world.

Organized during the ID Dunedin Fashion Week in New Zealand, this fashion contest showcased the talent of 44 finalists coming from 19 countries all aroud the world, who presented their capsule collections in a series of events and fashion shows.
“Finalists are pushing technology and innovation to their limits but what we loved about this year is that many are once again turning inwards to find the inspiration for their collections.” Tanya Carlson (Head Judge)
The winner of the H & J Smith 1st prize is Damir Begović, a young talented  Croatian designer graduated at University of Zagreb. His collection, entitled “EX-Vonia”, is a dramatic narration of the diaspora of Slavonian natives, a rich mix of folk and Western cultures with the tailored elements of the most theatrical pieces of Haute Couture. 

Collection “EX-Vonia” by Damir Begović
The Rodd & Gunn 2nd place was win by Lisa Liu, coming from the University of Technology Sydney, who presented a collection inspired by air force uniforms, while the Gallery De Novo 3rd place was given to the English designer Katie Clarke, from the Manchester Metropolitan University, who explored the strong feminine characters of Victorian literature.

Collection by Lisa Liu
Collection by Katie Clark


See Also


Other important prizes were given to:
  • Artur Stec coming from the Cracow School of Arts and Fashion Design (Rodd & Gunn Scholarship) proposes a transformable collection inspired by the designer background as graffiti artist
Collection by Artur
  • Jasper McGilvray from the University of Westminster (Barbara Brinsley’s Carpe Diem Award) with a collection inspired by the British drinking culture
Collection by Jasper McGilvray
  • Gemma Cornish who studied at  Massey University in New Zealand (Apparel Magazine’s Most Commercial Collection Prize), with a Pop innovative swimwear collection
Collection by Gemma Cornish
  • Rokaiya Ahmed Purna graduated at BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology in Bangladesh (Foil Print Labels Ltd Entrepreneurial Prize) reinterpreted the tribal fabrics o Bangladesh culture
Collection by Rokaiya Ahmed Purna
  • Misaki Oba, coming from University of Technology Sydney (The Fabric Store Award For Excellence in Design) transforms reality images through holographic prints
Collection by Misaki Oba
  • Kenta Nishimura, from the Bunka Fashion Graduate University in Japan (Cavalier Bremworth Wool Prize) explored the circle shapes for unusual ways to wear garments
Collection by Kenta Nishimura
  • April Gourdie graduated at Auckland University of Technology (Viva Editorial Prize) with her digital knitwear hyper-colored collection
Collection by April Gourdie
  • Shreya Jain, coming from the National Institute of Fashion Technology in India (Otago Polytechnic People’s Choice) creates a real journey in a sophisticated and exotic jungle
Collection by Shreya Jain
I want to mention also all the other finalists:

Alissar Hammoud – Allie Howard – Annaiss Yucra Mancilla – Antoinette El Alam – Ariane Ilagan – Camila Fuchs & Michaela Clubourg – Catherine Balle – Cristina & Margarita Ngng – Diana Abalo – Dylan McCutcheon Peat – Elena Bajas Larsen – Jade Shelds – Jessica Guzman – Joanna Lim – Leung Hiu Ching – Lucy Dickinson – Madeleine Jost – Matan Glik – Naeun Kim – Sally Oh – Sarah Lim – Shafia Begum – Shun Yin Wong – Stephanie Moscall Varey – Tess Tavener Hanks – Vina Liliani – Wade O’Brien – Wilbur Hsu – XiangQiao Sheng – Yael Frischling – Zhisheng Cao
Finalists at ID International Emerging Designer Award 2018

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