ACCADEMIA DEL LUSSO graduate fashion show 2018: the manipulation of matter

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47 young students coming from all over the world, one school that is becoming even more important and a unique idea: manipulating textures, shapes and surfaces to create a new fashion vision. Discover the 2018 graduate fashion show by Accademia del Lusso.

Last Tuesday I had a pleasant surprise, having the opportunity to partecipate as guest to the fashion show of Accademia del Lusso in Milan. I’m following the evolution of this school since some time and with great pleasure I can observe a continue transformation in the search of high quality that the Educational Director Barbara LG Sordi has introduced in the school DNA.
Accademia del Lusso was founded in 2005, proposing since the beginning as an institute for the high educational training specialized in fashion and design. The academy opened many headquarters in the last few year in addition to the Milan school, in Rome, Palermo, Belgrad and Shanghai. The intent is to export the school’s method and become a reality internationally recognized. 

The school is going down the right road and the 2018 fashion show was the demonstration of this ambition. As I said, I was pleasantly surprised by the high quality and by the fresh and not too excessive idea of luxury of the creations of the young students of the school, guided by Barbara. As creative director, like in a normal fashion house, with the help of the school’s valid teachers of fashion design, she conducted the students into a hard but fascinating road, discovering the essence of fashion matter: fabrics, threads and volumes.
The title of the graduate collection, “In_Materia”, speaks about an inspiration that starts from a reasoning around the idea itself of the matter, that can affect the final shape of a garment. The same concept so dear to Michealngelo Buonarroti, who discovered the subjects of his sculptures inside the nature of marble.

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The young and talented students, each in his own way, were able to
translate the input of the mood board concept to create something really remarkable. As modern artists they were involved into a conceptual work with the matter of fabrics, manipulating the surfaces, draping the soft shapes of silks and tulle, creating woven textures of raw but so refined wool yarns. 
Sculptural were also the shapes. Oversize or minimal, with enormous and theatrical sleeves and high collars, for a vision about the future that sometimes is dystopian and other times has some the courage of being contemporarily romantic. 

Delicious and sophisticated was the choice of the color palette, a gradual shades that started with the nude pink to go with some timid accent of beige and grey to the ethernal conflict and game between the always glamorous black and the powerful and marvellously dazzling white.


These are the students who showcased their outfits in the fashion show, to who goes all my compliments: 
Sebastian Carboni – Manuel Fino – Felicia Amoruso – Oufa Amzil – Lucrezia Sgualdino – Salvatore Scardina – Jacopo Formentin – Elisabetta Sorteni – Kristina Marovic – Gliulia Spitaleri – Tijana Milunovic – Lorenzo Boeri – Ilaria Gasperini – Anna Berenato – Belinda Healy – Greta Vianini – Dario Princiotta – Elmira Rizzo – Eleonora Cattelan – Ileana Grillo – Jelena Zaric – Iva Kujundzic – Chen Yuye – Fabio Poliord – Nicole Platzer – Camilla Giolitto – Chiara Errica – Cecilia Morales – Marcella Giorgis – Martina Rogora – Bruno Veizaj – Simona Zarcone – Sonia Ciamprone – Fabrizio Agostini – Camilla Paci

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