NEW TALENT: Davorin Cordone, the new visionary of Haute Couture

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After the success at Altaroma Dàvorin Cordone is preparing to conquire the world of Haute Couture, as he revealed in this interview in which exposes his visions and dreams.

I didn’t expect the a fashion show could give me goose bumps, surely not during one of the hottest day of this summer. But it has been the case with the young designer DÀVOIRIN CORDONE, discovered by Antonio Falanga and Grazia Marino of Spazio Margutta, selected as new talent with other 5 designers to showcase his fall/winter 2018-19 collection at Creative District (here the article about it) during the Altaroma days.

When I arrived at Chiostro dell’Angelicum for assisting to this collective fashion show I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Dàvorin’s collection literally conquired me, probably because his powerful girls remembered me in some way the greatness of the 90s catwalks, to which I’m very sentimental fond.
Dàvorin Cordone
Dàvorin Cordone is a 24-years-old designer decidedly off the grid, first and foremost because he has a clear mind and great awareness about his talent and his possibilities (which is not so easy to find ia a so young man), then because he chosen Haute Couture to express his creativity, namely the hardest field in fashion design.
Backstage of the Dàvorin Cordone fashion show
Davorin describes himself as a visionary more than a simple designer. An aesthet, one of those that recall the good old days. Tireless researcher of women’s beauty with a phylosophical mission: give power to woen through a strong image.
“I want people feel afraid of women I dress” Davorin Cordone
Born in Palermo in 1994, Davorin attended the art school and then, even more intriguid by the communicative possibilities offered by fashion design, he decided to study at Accademia del Lusso in his town. Since the time of the academy he started to stand out for his great talent, winning the scholarships and national contests, having the opportunity to showcase his creations both in Italy and outside, like in London and Guangzhou.
Dress by Dàvorin Cordone at national fashion contest “Abstract Feelings”
He dresses also celebrities and influencers in events like the Festival del Cinema of Venice, the International Visionary Awards at Royal Albert Hall or at the Vivienne Westwood’s fashion show in Paris, in which he dresses the influencer Fredrick Robertsson.
Fredrick Robertsson wearing a Dàvorin Cordone’s outfit
Because I’m really impressed by his works, I met Davorin in the fashion show backstage, asking him  to reveal something more about his experience and visions in this long interview.

Dàvorin Cordone in the backstage
Hi Davorin, thanks
for accepting this interview. I guess that after Creative District surely
you’ve been contacted by many people.
you very much for choosing me. The opportunity to participate to AltaRoma comes
with the project “Creative District” by Antonio Falanga and Grazia
Marino, who discovered me and chose me for this event. I was working at the
Leo&Chloe store by Carol Gabyzon, where one of my dresses was exhibited and
the destiny wanted that the Talent scout Grazia Marino came and discovered me.
Dàvorin Cordone at work
What is the
inspiration of your gorgeous collection “Empowering Beauty”?

collection comes to life from my philosophy: empower women through beauty and
image. This desire comes from a pressing feeling of injustice that has
accompanied the woman through the centuries, in order to restore that power. In
order to convey this sensation, we go through a journey of research until an
era when clothes emanated this power, especially in the 16th century. Shapes,
styles and colours are studied to recreate this visual impact that emerges from
this collection. 

Evening dress by Dàvorin Cordone presented at Creative District fashion show during Altaroma June 2018
The choice falls on velvet, organza, lace, embroidery,
pleating, crystals and other fabrics that combined with each other convert into
a royalty for the eye and touch. Mainly dark colours for an impalpable and
dreamy atmosphere. The resulting woman has a refined royalty, with delicate
details on visually powerful silhouettes.
Cocktail dress by Dàvorin Cordone presented at Creative District fashion show during Altaroma June 2018
In your collection
and in the fashion show there were references to history of fashion and some
designers like Alexander McQueen. Have you some role model, some favourite
My reference
models come from any historical era and any category. I’m very influenced by
the costume and fashion history, I always look for a past reference to
transform something for the future. In the field of fashion I’ve always been
fascinated by those who look back with a dose of theatricality. I love the
drama of Alexander McQueen, the exaggeration of John Galliano, the innovation
of Iris van Herpen.

How is your ideal
women, your inspiring muse?
My muse is a woman
who is aware of herself, of her femininity, of her strength and of the choice
to impose them on the surrounding world. I have always been fascinated by the
queens and empresses of the past because they enclose this visual force that I
try to reproduce.
Evening dress by Dàvorin Cordone presented at Creative District fashion show during Altaroma June 2018
Fashion is
communication. What’s the message you would like to give to world through your
My message as
mentioned before is to empower women through beauty and image, I would like to
convey a threshold of fear to the viewer that can push him to remain paralyzed
to admire my woman.

Speaking about
design process, how goes your typical working day?
My typical day is
different depending on the process I go through. If I have an appointment with
a customer I dedicate myself body and soul to her, to create the best solution
to her request through my vision. 
If I’m in the process of working at the
collection the days pass differently, one day I’m submerged among the fabrics
to search for the perfect one that gives back my idea, one day I’m submerged by
patterns and prototypes to give life to the shapes I design. But the typical
day I prefer is the process of creation, where I fully immerse myself in
inspiration and I search for it in everything: from a book to a museum, a work
of art, a historical period, a way of wearing a garment, nature and so on.
Dàvorin Cordone at work
Drawing is
important for you?
The drawing has
always accompanied me throughout my life. My grandmother was a painter and transmitted
to me the love for drawing that has always been my way. I am lucky to have the
ability to bring to life through paper everything I have in mind.
You studied at
Accademia del Lusso in Palermo, can you tell us something more about your years
of study?
The Accademia del
Lusso was my formative period, there I learned to create what I have in mind. I
started as a boy who drew without thinking, I did not care to sew or anything
else. There, thanks to my teachers, I understood the importance of awareness.
Knowing how to make a dress allows you to create it and break it down to create
something new.


Fashion sketch by Dàvorin Cordone


How come the first
occasions to show your talent after the academy?
With the academy I
started to make my creations going around through national competitions and
fashion shows obtained through the school. Then I tried to create something
different to be easily recognizable already in my city (Palermo) until
presenting myself outside the fashion shows of big names to “steal”
some advertising and make me known.
Outfit by Dàvorin Cordone presented at International Visionary Awards in London
What are your
strongest characteristics and skills as designer?
I think my
greatest strength is research, I don’t think or I’ll never think I’ve reached
the level I want because I try to improve myself constantly. A research that
also extends thanks to my curiosity and my desireto know more and more. This
leads me to broaden my horizons and goals that grow and change every time I
reach them.
I try never to stop.


See Also

If you had to
choose three elements to describe your style, what would be?

Impalpable, dreamy and powerful.


Also if you are
very young, your talent is starting to emerge. What are the hardest
difficulties that a young designer can have today?
The difficulties
are innumerable. There is a very high level of competition, you have to be on
the piece every moment! There is the economic question: to start this career
for those who don’t have a rich family or knowledge like me involves many sacrifices.
There’s the question of notoriety, making yourself known and shouting to the
world that you exist may not be as easy as you think.

Cocktail dress by Dàvorin Cordone presented at Creative District fashion show during Altaroma June 2018
If you had to give
an advice to an aspiring fashion designer, what would it be?
First of all, I
want to encourage the young people who make this choice, because it takes
courage to focus everything on their own work rather than going to work for an
already famous company. If I have to give some advice I would say do not be
afraid and do not belittle what you do. All your work and your time are
precious and must be valued. You value yourself first and then others will
value yourself.

Have you some
project for your future?
I have many plans
for the future, I am a very determined person who has set goals. Certainly as a
first goal I want my brand to become established, stable. Once I’ve stabilized,
nobody can stop me anymore. I have a list of people I want to dress, a list of
places I want my clothes have to come. Give me time and believe in me, I will
not disappoint you.

Evening dress by Dàvorin Cordone
I’m quite sure we will see more of Dàvorin in the days to come. What do you think about him, my dear reader?
If you want to know something more about him, here you can find his contacts:


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