the 500 creations that were exhibited from 19th to 24th February 2019 in the
splendid setting of Palazzo Bovara in Milan, go beyond the concept of body
ornamentation and embrace the philosophy and the artistic method. ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
was a true revelation, a
new world opened in front of the eyes of visitors, that showed us how much
imagination can go beyond what we usually think about a certain topic, in this
case about the evolution in a contemporary key.

ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019, exhibition of contemporary jewelry, at Palazzo Bovaro in Milan from 19th to 24th February 2019
If someone had thought of seeing the usual necklaces
of colored gemstones, well, he certainly had to change his mind.In the 700 square meters of Palazzo Bovara totally dedicated to the exhibition,
Jewels 2019
has hosted 140 artists coming from all around the world, whose works have been selected for their high
stylistic value and for the careful research and experimentation on traditional
and more innovative materials and techniques. Among them were selected three jewelry designers as winners of the contest
Sowon Joo,
Veronika Kuryanovaand
Bia Tambelli, who will have the possibility to partecipate for free to next edition of the event.

The winners of Artistar Jewels Award 2019
Along the exhibition path the sculptural jewelswere placed inside transparent cases, made in an extremely minimal way to
enhance the beauty of the jewels, or emphasized by artistic installations and the exhibition has been divided into 4 thematic
areas: avant-garde, innovation, precious and recycling.

“Remains of the feast”, an interactive installation in favor of sustainability, at Artistar Jewels 2019
The authors of these authentic wonders had the
maximum creative freedom and in fact in the exhibition were presented many
techniques and shape, from the traditional metallurgic techniques to the 3D
printer, from the most exaggerated naturalism to the purest geometry, often
going beyond the limits of portability in favor of conceptual expression
never bridled in conventional canons.

Contemporary jewelry exhibition at Artistar Jewels 2019
There are several currents among the most
avant-garde jewels. An extravagant anatomical trend
leads jeweler artists to represent internal and external parts of the human
body, sometimes hybridized with plants and metals, sometimes interpreted in a
surreal way or as a representation of the internal organs.

Anatomic contemporary jewelry by Sara Leme, Petra Mohylova, Sunset Yogurt and Sara Zaghetto at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
Among the extravagances we also find funnycharacters with a thousand eyes, bejeweled eyeglasses, vegetal creatures that
seem to come from another planet, fetish objects imprisoned in the resin,
stills that collect natural elements, surreal spoons, parts of dolls, but also
fashion magazines that come shredded and used to make jewelry

Extravagant contemporary jewelry by Denis Sozin, Natalia Vorokhina, Diana Vasile, Rebekah Wilson, Nita Angeletti, Sara Leme, Mihaela Caravan, Sui Ling Wang, Elena Franceschetti, Sunset Yogurt, Anca Croitorun, Arina Nitulescu at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
The naturalistic theme is extremely felt and
there were
of all kinds, from sheep that seem stolen to the crib and reused in an
ironic key, to stylized and geometrized birds, from deer skewed by arrows to
precious tempting snakes, but also the inhabitants of the sea turned into
mussels of ceramic or white corals from which strings of
pearls come out, or small fishes made of resin coated fabric.

Animal-shape contemporary jewelry by Katherine Hubble, Agostina Laurenzano, Tessa Theocharis Ganidou, Natalia Lubieniecka, Paola Guzmàn, Misato Takahashi and Marco Mormile at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
Among the animals there were many
insects, from
the most precious ones in diamonds and emeralds to those gold plated that
contain human-likened characters inside them. Then there were spiders, grasshoppers, flies, moths and beetles with an
extremely naturalistic effect, but made of fabric encrusted with crystals.

Insect-shape contemporary jewelry by Jessica Pass, Natalia Lubieniecka, Sara Christian and Yuri Gogol at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
In the
vegetal world we can ranges from the
tender petals of real plants that make delicate metal ramifications, to colored
irises or laurel leaves that recall the crowns of the Roman emperors, but also
small stylized flowers that decorate metallic shirt collars, delicate flowers
made of golden mesh, honeycomb with a material effect, but also fabric
mushrooms, even resin apples that fit other materials or delicate plants that
fly with the wind.

Floral-shape contemporary jewelry by Carlo Lucidi, Ana Margarida Carvalho, Miss Kay Guo, Sara Zaghetto, Anna Nana-Liess, Natalia Liubieniecka and Monica Iacovenco at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019
Contemporary jewelry also builds
, such as contemporary skylines or intricate
structures that look like baroque architectures, but above all geometries that leave free rein to unbridled fantasies.

Architectural contemporary jewelry by Nina Oikawa, Inna Vlasikhina and Gabriel Popa at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019.There are three-dimensional geometric structures that play with mirror effects,
brooches made of wooden blocks, circle necklaces in rubber, solids that fit
together with each other, multiple rings in the 60s style that can be used in
different ways, incredible bracelets of circles that perform elliptical
orbits, gems or pieces of wood that are intersected by brass tubes or wooden
lamellas that create sinuous changing shapes.But also
square necklaces, origami-effect earrings, necklaces that recall the style of
the Bauhaus, elaborate structures created with the 3D printer or pins that look
like materic paintings.

3D geometric contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by: Luana Loureiro Coelho, Michelle Lowe-Holder, Mona Tabicca, Bia Tambelli, Ute DEcker, Kim Jiyoung, Rosamaria Venetucci, Michelia, HRK, Anastasia Dubrova, Ariadne Kapelioti, Francesca Paolin, Panayiotis Panayi , Marion Colasse, Doris Gabrielli, Swain McCaughrin, Aileen Gray, Anna Maria Pitt, May Gañàn, Raquel Bessudo, Sara Christian and Alva Chan
A great protagonist of this edition is
used pure or as plating, and that is always incredibly flashy, forming wide
pectorals, sinuous lines that surround large stones or the neck of women, but
that is also fragmented and made geometric in support of
huge amber stones.

New gold contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by Doris Gabrielli, Maria Elisabetta Donadio, Francesco Barbato
Gold is transformed into metallic wire and becomes thefavorite material for the new avant-garde filigree, which creates hearts,
vaguely phyto-morphic forms, rough tufts of grass, which imprison stones or
mimic the complicated and perfect shape of the shells.Following
the reticular structure, also the aluminum tubes are colored and have
articulated shapes.

Metal wire contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by Sowon Joo, Rachel Reilly, Sheila Westera, Reem Jano, Max Sytnikov, Francesca Di Virgilio
new gemsare interpreted in an extremely
imaginative or hyper-luxurious way. Some are cut to fit
with customizable gold jewels, others are huge and create movement. Others are totally geometrized and supported by very modern
structures, while the crystals in their purest form are cut into strips or
imprisoned by the metal.Even in the most precious
necklaces, that use traditional techniques, the gem is the same, but it becomes
huge and has a dreamlike image decidedly fantasy.

New gemstones contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by Anna Maccieri, Lucia Petracca & Alessandra Mazzeo, Natalia Vorokhina, Alessandro Orlandi, Orsa Maggiore, Sheila Cunha, Anna Zeibig, Adha Zelma, Yichen Dong and John Farris
Many are the
materic effects given to these
contemporary jewels, from the gemstones that are covered with enamels to jewels
made in fabric, to particular colored textures. There are
effects of corrosion or incrustation of surfaces, lava textures, games of
materials also recycled, jewelry that looks like poor art sculptures, others
that use the fabric to create structures encrusted with gold laminations, while
others use paper and wood and others again are covered
with colored resins. There are effects of dew on metal
surfaces, like gemstones, musks that encrust golf balls and gold granulation
that attacks Murano glass gems.

Texturized contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by: Vasiliki Merianou, Diane Vasile, Valerie Cheung, Rebekah Wilson, Agustina Ros, Nayibe Warchausky, Officinacentouno, Taibe Palacios, Tassa Theocharis Ganidou, Gina Melosi, Susan Lenart Kazmer, Lindsey Fontijn, Bàrbara Laso Fernàndez, Silvia Cruceru, Miruna Belicovici, Gena Tudor, Andreia Popescu
Among the most incredible effects there is thesearch for extreme lightness given through plexiglass and acrylic, for totally
transparent jewels that create geometric shapes, maxi gems held by cords in
contrast between lightness and heaviness, or sufaces that support details in
silver that seem to levitate in the void.

Transparent contemporary jewelry at ARTISTAR JEWELS 2019 by Michelle Lung and Morena Fregonese