In a highly competitive world like fashion, is even more fundamental improving the designer’s skills through very professional training paths like the Master Class proposed by Istituto Secoli. We tested the effectiveness of their educational programs during an online lesson in which we learned how to make a sartorial jacket’s pattern.
A beautiful online experience of almost an hour organized by Istituto Secoli and dedicated to fashion journalists and bloggers for showing the real life of the school’s lessons.
As explained by Matteo Secoli, President of the prestigious fashion school in Milan, the pandemic gave to fashion world not only problems, but also new opportunites and possibilities. In particular new tools for sharing the knowledge of the manufacturing culture, all the know-how of the Italian tailoring tradition.

The digitalization of the lessons, alternated and integrated with the presence of the students in a real class, is seen by the fashion school as the opportunity to enlarge the class itself, giving to ìaspiring fashion designers both live streming lessons and video tutorials.
Since 1934 Istituto Secoli, that has the record of being the first official fashion school in Italy, always created only live-in-class lessons, but now it has the possibility to reach its audience of young fashion students also at distance, using all the technological tools developed during the periods of forced lockdown.

The topic of the virtual lesson was “Woman’s jacket, from the sketch to the model”, explained by the Professor Maria Alessandra Chiodaroli. A very technical lesson in live streaming, during which the Professor showed us what is the job of the patternmaker, one of the most precious and essential work in the field of fashion, without whom is impossible to give life to a fashion product.

The pattern maker has to interpret the sketches designed by the fashion designer and works together with the prototype tailor for passing from the fashion sketch to the paper model, up to the fixing of the defects and finally to see the cloth samples. But the work of the pattern maker does not finish with the first prototype. He/she has to develop the model for adapting it to the various needs of the market and of the final client, projecting the pattern for the development of the vaiorus sizes.
During this incredibly interesting lesson, we had the opportunity to virtually touch by hands the very high level of professionalism of the school’s method, the perfection of the final result and especially all the complexity of the pattermaking process of a female sartorial jacket.

A simple example for understanding the high-quality level of all the Master Classes proposed by the fashion school in its training programs. Post-degree professional full-time courses for the fashion designers who want to develop specific skills and acquiring the technical knowledges in fields like Bridal wear, Knitwear, Women or Men’s patternmaking or Men’s sartorial tailoring.
Curious to inderstand how the Istituto Secoli’s students work? Stay tuned and read the next article regarding the coming-soon “Secoli Fashion Show” in July!